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Jesus Christ

I think Bink’s and I used to build sandwiches just like the one below in high school. We also used to smoke for a couple hours at a time, skateboard in the halls, sleep in the senior locker back, disrupt classes we weren’t taking, play this game we invented that involved whipping balls of tape at people, and generally not doing any sort of school work. I think during our last year we only had one class each, shared a locker but didn’t have a lock on it, would show up hungover most days and generally just cause trouble all the time. We both eventually quit high school, but for some reason I ended up having thirty credits and only found out when I showed up for the grad to route on my non dropout friends. We both decided to quit while on a class trip to Mexico. I guess we got a taste of ‘real life’. Oh, and when we went to our senior prom both of our dates picked up dudes and ended up sleeping in there hotel rooms. Me and binks spent the night drinking REVS and playing ‘slap towel’.

A week later we worked in factories.

I’m gonna start a weekly feature where I write a story about shit Bink’s and I used to get up to. It’s going to be epic.

Categories: Random
  1. nicole don
    April 22, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    you forgot to mention that ‘wet’ slap towel was played while wearing nothing but boxers and bowties and you played ’til you both had bloody welts! best night of my life, hands down.

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